The Click-to-Call (V2) command is as follows:
- Auth (api_key) is your API Key, generated on your account screen. We recommend using a dedicated User Account for API, and not one of your personal user accounts.
- ContainerID (CCCCCC) is the 6-digit Container ID number that is present in the top-left corner of the Dashboard when logged into a particular container.
- TenantID (TTT) is the 3-digit (or 0/omitted) Tenant ID number that represents a customer on a container. When omitted (or set to 0) the system assumes you are referring to the Default Tenant.
- Extension (ZZZZ) is the extension # of the person doing the dialing, the “agent”. – So if the agent’s extension is 2005, you will pass 2005 so the system knows which phone to engage for the dial-out.
- PhoneNumber (XXXXXXXXXX) is the phone # the person wants to call. You can pass a 10-digit number, 11-digit e164, or an international number with 011 in front.
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